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Bone Grafting


We offer dental services at a highly innovative level, with a guarantee for all treatments.

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Experience unparalleled excellence in bone grafting services at Signature Smiles by Martinez Dent.


Where our skilled team of dental professionals specializes in state-of-the-art bone grafting procedures. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and premium graft materials, we meticulously tailor each treatment to ensure optimal bone regeneration, creating a solid foundation for your future dental implants or smile restoration.


Your journey to a confident, healthy smile begins here, where precision and expertise meet innovation.

Discover Signature Smiles, where your dental aspirations become a reality through exceptional bone grafting services, setting the gold standard for excellence in dental care.

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Consultation and Assessment
Patients undergo an evaluation to determine the need for bone grafting and the most suitable type of graft material.
Autograft Bone Grafting
Autografts involve using the patient's own bone tissue, often harvested from another part of the body, to augment the jawbone.
Allograft Bone Grafting
Allografts use donor bone tissue, processed and sterilized, to supplement the recipient's jawbone.
Xenograft Bone Grafting
Xenografts employ bone material from animal sources, such as bovine or porcine, to enhance the jawbone.
Alloplastic Bone Grafting
Alloplastic grafts involve the use of synthetic materials like ceramics or biocompatible polymers to augment the jawbone.
Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
GBR is a technique that uses specialized membranes to encourage the regeneration of bone tissue in areas with bone loss.

Socket Preservation

After a tooth extraction, socket preservation procedures are performed to prevent bone loss and prepare the site for future dental implants.
Sinus Lift or Sinus Augmentation
A sinus lift procedure is carried out when the sinuses are too close to the upper jaw, creating space for implant placement.
Ridge Augmentation
Ridge augmentation techniques are used to reshape and augment the jawbone's structure to prepare it for dental implant placement.

Block Bone Grafting

In cases of severe bone loss, block bone grafts involve transplanting larger sections of bone to provide a solid foundation for dental implants.
Bone Grafting for Dental Implants
Bone grafting services are often utilized to ensure there is adequate bone density and quality to support dental implants.
Ridge Splitting
Ridge splitting procedures are employed to create space within a narrow ridge, allowing for successful implant placement.
Soft Tissue Grafting
Soft tissue grafts may be performed in tandem with bone grafting to improve the appearance and function of the gum tissue around implants.
Nerve Repositioning
Nerve repositioning is necessary when implant placement might affect a nerve, such as the inferior alveolar nerve in the lower jaw.
Grafting Material Harvesting and Preparation
The process involves harvesting the graft material and preparing it for use in the bone grafting procedure.
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